Sunday, April 15, 2012


Incase you have not heard, Goodluck Jonathan has said God chose him to rule Nigeria! I have to really read it over and over again....God chosen?  We agree he is not the best man for the job but who cares? Nigerians want performance....not talk and sentiments.

He said :"I always make my supplications to God that, in selecting me as the President of this country, the Vice President, the Governors, members of the national assembly, the ministers, we are not the best material but God knows why he chose us and we pray He should use us to change this country.
"We believe that with God using us collectively we will be able to transform this country. We all as Nigerians want a better country, we want a country that there would be peace, power, that will take care of our health needs, that we can move freely from one part of the country to the other, that our children will have hope."

"With unwavering faith in God and renewed recommitment to the national cause by us all, I’m confident that Nigeria will emerge from these trying times a stronger, more united, more stable and more prosperous nation.
"Now than ever before, our nation’s leadership needs to rededicate itself to the realisation of the grand vision of one big strong multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, diverse but united nation which steered our founding fathers. We must live above those primordial tendencies which can only compromise our growth as a nation. We should be guided by the ideals of justice, equity, selflessness and above all the fear of God in every conduct public or private," he said.

 "I am aware that the task of national transformation is daunting one, I am, however, more aware that there is nothing that God cannot do. With Him on our side I am confident every stumbling block on our way shall become a stepping stone into national rebirth. I assure you that our trials at all times for the greatest good of the greatest number guided always by the fear of God."

I guess we will wait till the judgement day to ask God.....especially with all the problems. If God sends you to a place, He defintely will tell how to make things happen.  We will continue to have faith in this can get better and must get better.

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