Tuesday, January 3, 2012


This is 2012....you shuold be thinking on how to make your life productive....and you can achieve that if you do what you love....
Ask yourself what are you worth? What is your time worth? Entrepreneurs will agree with me on this.
  1. As long as what you do adds value and you have a working system, you will get your cash even when you are not working.  Build a system that generates income 24/7, something that lets you enjoy other parts of your life. Things like running a website that works by number of clicks, manufacturing, and royalty from intellectual work.
  2. When you are doing what you love, you gain extensive experience. You become more productive because, you enjoy every minute you spend. And you will do more. When you start out, you are eager to learn but with time you will discover you are no longer learning anything new, you begin to experience stagnation. Soon, you becomes desperate for an MBA or another qualification to stay put and avoid being obsolete. But ask yourself, what will all these qualifications be worth in 30 years from now? If you did something creative, like an invention, a book, a piece of music or a song, it is likely to outlive you.
  3. You experience true freedom. This is because you are not caged. You have the freedom to plan your life. You can mix work and play, be creative and no risk of being fired.  You have better sleep and your day is planned according to your own schedule. You have a great sense of security. When you work for somebody, you can be fired at anytime even when you did nothing wrong. That is what it means to have power and once you have a boss, he has that power. You are not under any panic of loosing your job. Nobody can fire you because you are the work yourself. Anywhere you go; it is carried on your inside. The freedom of doing what you really want, sharing important moments with people dear to you is sweet. You can hop on the plane and plan your vacation without needing any permission. Since you have a system that works, it rakes in cash for you even while you are on vacation.
  4. You cease being a coward. Because you are responsible for yourself, you do not play the blame game. You make the decisions and you test your courage. A lot of people have sacrificed it all on the altar of fear. It is the reason people compromise and they eventually loose their will to choose.
  5. Your creativity genius awakens. It is how you survive, so it’s always awake. You do not need to submit your will or be taught how to dress, talk and move. Your mind is challenged and it is opened to opportunities. Sitting behind the desk does not make that happen. All you see is the computer and the soft ware. A bunch of people you see everyday, dressing the same way. It is just boring. When your creativity is tasked, you experience adventure and that is what life should entail.
  6. Your social life is far better, when you are doing what you enjoy; you meet people like yourself from all works of life. Different people with different approach. You are not limited by social conditioning and your life does not begin and end in the four walls of your office. That is what many people know. Colleagues and colleagues and colleagues. They are, for the most parts office mates, true friendship is rare. Just like you, they are there for the money. Anything goes wrong you are on your own. With a great social life, you can mix better and learn better and you do so without being under pressure. Your life is not boring because there are new things to discover and talk about. You can hold a conversation on anything.
  7. The sweetest part is, if you do not like people you can avoid them. If you do not like their business ethics, you can walk away from it. Unlike when you have one for a boss. You still say yes sir even when it kills your initiative. You just bear it even when it is not healthy, just to keep the job and get the money. As much as you need people to be successful, you cannot work with everybody. There are people you walk away from. You have the liberty to do that.
  8. You are your own boss! It a hard feat to achieve but it is one of the sweetest things to experience in life.

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